报告名称:A construction of maximally recoverable codes with order-optimal field size
报告地点:腾讯会议号:132-731-546 (密码:32045)
专家简介:蔡晗,西南交通大学,教授,入选国家级青年人才计划。主要从事编码理论、DNA存储编码、序列设计等相关领域的研究工作;2018年-2021年在以色列内盖夫本古里安大学从事博士后研究工作。发表论文20余篇(信息论旗舰期刊IEEE TIT 16篇,通信旗舰期刊IEEE TCOM 2篇)。主持自然科学基金面上项目、重点研发课题各一项。
报告摘要:In this talk, the focus is a construct maximally recoverable codes (corresponding to partial MDS codes) which are based on linearized Reed-Solomon codes. These codes have a smaller field size requirement compared with known constructions. For certain asymptotic regimes, the constructed codes have order-optimal alphabet size, asymptotically matching the known lower bound.